Jinan aluminum should be stored in a dry and ventilated place, and flat on a flat surface, do not stampede, impact, handling Jinan aluminum plate edges should be lifted at the same time, non-sliding, extraction, so as not to scratch the
plate surface.
Jinan aluminum with a slot machine or a gong slotting machine should be used when more than 90 degrees button head type cutter, knife too deep hurt neither aluminum nor too shallow hemming difficulties should leave 0.2-0.3 MM thick
plastic core material together with the aluminum flanges together, to increase strength and toughness, otherwise the aluminum film may break or burst during crimping.
Jinan aluminum crimping takes force uniform, a shape, do not repeatedly bent aluminum might otherwise break, you should use special curved arc processing equipment, processing, slowly force, so that the sheet gradually achieve the
desired surface. Never once bent shape.
Jinan aluminum different batches of the same model and color plates that may exist, the sale and use of different batches of the plate should be increased before use of color than the procedure, no visual color difference in the same
plane, the same color aluminum panels will be installed in the same plane , the flow direction should be consistent, otherwise it may create visual color.
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